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Define the measurement itself. The measurement (process) and its indicators, factors, time periods and the objectives / targets. You can add an application to the properties of the satisfaction and / or workload inquiry.

Industrial company application can be measured, for example the following issues:. Defective products and product lead time, The measurement will also be able to ask satisfaction and workload from workers. The application consists of four levels: the process (activity), employee shifts and target measurement.

The office application can measure the following: loss of job, wait and repair the problem. The measurement will also be able to ask satisfaction and workload from workers. The application consists of four levels: the process (activity), employee shifts and target measurement.

Sports This application can measure the following issues:. Sports performance, their duration and the workload The application has four levels: Action, Athlete, when the execution was carried out, and what is sought.

You can report your company's incidents, developing ideas and accidents.

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